SAWBA Congress Teams 2024


To the winners of SAWBA National Congress Teams 2024:

Thank you to all the players and to everyone involved who helped make this another great event.


Click on a button below to view the latest results as each session ends.

NB. If the results do not display correctly, press Ctrl+F5 to refresh the page or try again later.

Hand Records

NB. If the hand records do not display correctly, press Ctrl+F5 to refresh the page or try again later.

Click on a round to view the Hand Record for that round's matches:

About the Teams

Quick Links


  • Live kibitzing or watching at the tables is not permitted unless authorised by the Director.
  • For delayed kibitzing, click here then log in and click on the sessions that start with SAWBA.


  • On RealBridge (RB) played from home.
  • RealBridge works with laptops, desktops, tablets and most iPads - do not attempt to use a smart phone.

  • If you are new to RealBridge, click here to view the Quick Start Player Guide.
  • Keep your speaker on but mute your microphone if necessary to remove any background noise.
  • Keep your video/camera on if possible but it is permitted to turn it off to conserve power as necessary. 
  • See below for how to log in and find your seat.


  • Starts at 1:45 PM sharp on Tuesday 19 November 2024.
  • Ends by not later than 2:15 PM on Friday 22 November 2024.
  • Late arrival will be penalised as specified in the Rules & Regulations.
  • Click on Match Schedule to download the full schedule of play.

Competition Format

The exact format will depend on entry numbers but will likely be as follows:

  • Two days of Qualifying rounds followed by two days of Finals.
  • The Qualifying rounds will be played as a Swiss movement with six 12-board matches; the first round will be seeded in line with each team's average SABF performance index (PI).
  • At the end of the Swiss movement:
    • Top ranked teams (approximately half of the field) will progress to the Championship section;
    • The remaining teams will progress to the Congress section.
  • There is no carry-over of scores from the Qualifying rounds.
  • The Finals will be played as a full Round Robin within each section.
  • Each match in the Finals will be split into two equal segments allowing for a short comfort break at half-time and for pairs to swap tables so you face off against both halves of the opposing team.
  • Pre-dealt boards will be used throughout.
  • Matches will be scored in IMPs converted to Victory Points (VPs) using the WBF Continuous VP Scales.
  • In the unlikely event of a tie in the final VP score, the winner will be the team with the highest net IMPS gain in the match (or matches) between the tied teams.
  • The results and hand records will be available on this web site as each round completes.
  • Teams may comprise up to six players - it is not necessary to pre-announce the line-up.
  • UNDOs are permitted for this event in accordance with the standard UNDOs Policy.

How to log in and find your seat

  • Caution: If you are logging in while abroad, bear in mind the time in South Africa is UTC+2 hours (e.g. 09:30 in SA is 07:30 in the UK).
  • You will be able to log in approximately up to one hour before the scheduled start of play.
  • Click on the correct session link (as listed below) - ask your Team Captain if unsure.
  • At the Log in screen:
    • Full name: type in full the name by which you are usually known; use initial capital letters (e.g. Jane Smith); please do not use short forms, or just your first name, or your name all in lower case or your BBO Name. Get it right first time and it will default correctly for future logins.

    • ID number: please leave this field blank - we don't need it.
    • Click (or tap) the Login button and you will arrive in the lobby.
  • Look for the table with your Team Captain's surname on it .
  • Click on an empty seat at that table, opposite your partner if already seated.
  • If you need to switch to a different device at any time - e.g. due to loadshedding - it is vital that you log in again using exactly the same full name with initial capitals and with nothing in the ID number field. (NB. If you fail to do this, you may struggle to reconnect.)
  • Before each match, always sit opposite your partner at your own team table - when the match begins, you will be moved automatically to the correct seats.